Wednesday, August 1, 2007


My face turned bright red, and i couldn't hide my smile. Everyone else laughed at me. It's ok though, if they felt my excitement they would have looked the same way. I hope I'm not the only one that excited. I have a few memories of similar excitement. I remember seeing another person skipping just to reach me in the parking lot of the movie theater. If you looked up the excitement i'm trying to describe in the dictionary or wikipedia or something like that, there would be a video clip of this memory cause it describes it perfectly. It's kinda like Julie Andrews running through the field in the sound of music. Maybe not as dramatic, but far more real, and just as exciting. It's the best. If we didn't believe in and hope for this kind of excitement, i think everyone would just give up, stop eating and drinking, and die. I believe in it. If it wasn't real how could I imagine it. Descartes believed in God using that exact same reasoning, and i think he was on to something... I have my own computer again and I will hook up the printer/scanner tomorrow. Hopefully I can put more pictures up. I like them. They are so much simpler.


heathen said...


Caitie said...

story time?

ps. you're A-dorable

kaitlyn.e said...

i think i am confused

my ghostwriter said...

you're a beautiful person.

... and p.s. i know -exactly- what you're talking about.

and yes. yes, you were bright red.